Why hourly rates are not relevant for an outsourcing service?
If you want to find software development company, it is not relevant to speak about hourly rates. This blog will tell you why.
A Deep Dive into the Value Proposition Canvas
In today's dynamic market, understanding and addressing the complex needs of customers are crucial for business success. The Value Proposition Canvas, a powerful tool designed to close the divide between what customers anticipate and company offerings, is pivotal in achieving this. This comprehensive guide aims to explore the intricacies of the Value Proposition Canvas, providing insights on how to use it effectively and unlock maximum customer value.
Why Sipod’s Strategic Partnership Model Benefits Your Business
A strategic partnership with an IT company can be a game-changer, but not all partnerships are created equal. Small software companies like Sipod are redefining the client-vendor relationship by offering true collaboration. In this article, we will delve into the benefits of considering smaller IT companies as strategic partners rather than just vendors and how planning together can lead to greater success.
Small IT Companies as Catalysts for Corporate Startup Success
In today's fast-paced business environment, where technology reigns supreme, major corporations consistently seek innovative solutions to drive their startup projects. While many have the financial capacity to establish in-house IT departments, an increasing number recognize the unique value of partnering with small IT companies.
Sipod’s BPM Platform and Automation Solution for Fintech
The banking and financial industry has significantly transformed over the past decade. The increasing demand for mobile and online banking services, coupled with the tech-savvy nature of today's customers, has reshaped the expectations for convenience, speed, and accuracy in every banking transaction.
The Business Model Canvas: Powerful Tool for Business Concepts
The Business Model Canvas (BMC) can help you effectively define and communicate your business idea or concept. This strategic management tool simplifies the process by providing a concise, one-page document. With the BMC, you can organize the fundamental elements of your business or product in a coherent structure that resonates with both external customers and internal operations.
Why Outsource to Serbia and Hire Eastern European Developers
The workforce shortage issues and the lack of specialists in the IT industry are global phenomena seriously affecting both start-ups and large corporations among Western tech companies. This talent crisis in the Western world has created the need to outsource software development in an attempt to find qualified IT professionals elsewhere.